Savings Products Loan Product Convenience Services Miscellaneous
Regular Share (Savings) Personal Loans Direct Deposit Service Charge Schedule
Holiday Club Debt Consolidation Automatic Loan Payments Safety Tips
Vacation Club PaymentSphere Check Orders Membership Requirements
Share Draft (Checking)   ATM Placement For Pot Dispensaries  

Regular Share (Savings) Account
Open a saving account with just $12 and a one time fee of $3. You need to maintain a minimum balance of $25 in your account to receive dividends. The more you save the more you will receive in dividends and you become eligible to all the other benefits offered by your credit union.
Account Type Min. Opening Balance Min. Dividend Balance Dividend Rates APY*
Regular Savings $12.00  ($3 opening fee) $25.00 1% 1.5%
Holiday Club $25.00 $25.00 1% 1.5%

*Rates & terms are subject to change without notice.

Par value of a share is $25. This amount must be maintained in the regular share account at all times in order to remain a member of this credit union.

Dividends on regular share are compounded and credited on a biannual basis. The average daily balance method is used to calculate dividends. The average daily balance is determined by adding the balance in the account for each day of the period and dividing that amount by the number of days in the period. This credit union will use the full balance in the account for calculation whether deposits are made by cash or check. If you close your account before your accrued dividends are credited, you will not be paid any dividends for that period.

Your credit union is an ideal place to save for the future. All accounts are federally insured up to $100,000 by the National Credit Union Administration.



Holiday and Vacation Club Accounts
Your credit union offers you the opportunity to plan for the Holidays by opening a Holiday Club account. Your money will be available to you just before the Holidays to enjoy a shopping spree without any worries.

Apply for your Club account today!


Account Type Min. Opening Balance Min. Dividend Balance Dividend Rates APY*
Holiday and Vacation Club $25.00 $25.00 1% 1.5%

*Par value of a share is $25. This amount must be maintained in the regular share account at all times in order to remain a member of this credit union.

Dividends on club accounts are compounded and credited on a biannually basis. The average daily balance method is used to calculate dividends. The average daily balance is determined by adding the balance in the account for each day of the period and dividing that amount by the number of days in the period. This credit union will use the full balance in the account for calculation whether deposits are made by cash or check. If you close your account before your accrued dividends are credited, you will not be paid any dividends for that period.

Share Draft Checking Account

No minimum deposit to open account. No minimum balance required.
Your credit union provides you with access to a FREE checking account without any hidden cost to you. There are NO monthly fees or per check charges and NO minimum checking account balance requirements. Fees do apply for bounced checks.


Membership Requirements:

Membership is reserved for:

• Employees of the University Settlement or The Door or their immediate family members
• University Settlement and The Door program clients
• Independent contractors with any University Settlement and The Door programs

Documents Needed:
Employees: US or TD ID

All others: Valid (non-expired) US or State government photo identification. (Driver license, state ID card, Passport )

All new members must provide a valid social security or other taxpayer identification issued by the US Social Security Administration.

To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, Federal law requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify and record information that identifies each person who opens an account.

What this means to you: When you open an account, we will ask for your name, address, date of birth, and other information that will allow us to identify you. We may also ask to see your identifying documents.

Information we Collect:
• Information we receive from your application or other forms.
• Information from your transactions with us or others.
• Information we receive from a consumer reporting agency.

Security Measures:
We do not disclose any nonpublic personal information about our members except as permitted by law. Only authorized Board Members or Committees Members (i.e. Loan Committee) have access to nonpublic information about our members in order to provide services to our members. We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that comply with Federal regulations to guard your nonpublic information.


Personal Loans
These loans are available to all members for any personal need and rates are based on the member’s credit score.

60-month maximum term. Loan amounts: $500 - $35,000.

•  USFCU share account is required for all loans.
• All unsecured loans must have a 25% collateral
• Loan must be paid within five years

Debt Consolidation
Your credit union offers you the opportunity to consolidating your debts from a higher interest rate into a loan with us that charges you a lower interest rate than the one you are currently paying. We will make the payments directly to your creditors.

60-month maximum term. Loan amounts: $500 - $35,000. See rates information.

• 25% of loan balance is frozen in share account on all unsecured loans.
• USFCU share account is required for all loans.
• Loan must be paid within five years.

Share Secured Loan
Have a problem keeping the money you saved in an account, while new expenses keep popping up? Need money immediately and don’t want to use your savings? USFCU offers you a share secured loan up to the balance of your account at 5% interest. You choose the payment amount.
Visit USFCU today and complete a short application

Direct Deposit
You need to open a share draft (checking) account with USFCU.
Our ABA / Routing Number is 226078612

Automatic Loan Payments
Your loan payments are automatic with direct deposit or payroll deductions for employees of US and The Door.

Credit Life and Disability Insurance: We offer Credit Life and Disability Insurance for our consumer loan products. This insurance is required for some loans and the cost of the premium is added to your loan payment.

Check Orders
USFCU provides your first check order.

Service Charge Schedule
$3.00 Initial fee to open an Account
$2.00 quarterly maintenance fee

Safety Tips
Don’t’ become a victim of identity theft! To learn more please visit the website: Federal Trade commission, or Social Security Administration (SSA) if your Social Security Card is lost or stolen.

If someone has already stolen your identity for more information and helpful tips, visit Take Charge Fighting Back Against Identity Theft.


You can obtain your credit report from three major credit report bureaus.

Equifax Information services
P.O. Box 740241
Atlanta, GA 30374

P.O. Box 2002
Allen, TX 75013

P.O. Box 34012
Fullerton, CA 92834


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